Winner of the Golden Ink Award, 2035
A really good book. The poems are really crude and well written. I could relate to most of the poems and the concepts and thoughts put behind them. I would really encourage people to give this a try because it's definitely worth reading. A really good book. The poems are really crude and well written. I could relate to most of the poems and the concepts and thoughts put behind them. I would really encourage people to give this a try because it's definitely worth reading.
Ankana Banerjee
I loved this book, and felt the emotions, the author is great, they can make you think about you, while they ( whilst writing it) thought about something different. It's what's special about these type of people, they don't trick you into believing you're watching something a play of someone's life. They show you, your something whenan you believe you are not
This little book is a delightful collection of poetry and fiction from a wide variety of writers around the world. The stories and poems explore the depths of depression, the solidity of quiet hope, and the delights of life. I recommend it.
Steve Waldrop